Closeup picture of the kings chamber. You can see the so called 'Airshafts' leading out of the chamber.
(Pictures origin is unknown to me)

This picture shows that both Northerns Shafts in the 'Kings chamber' and 'Queens chamber' , is build around the Grand Gallery.
By moving the shafts just a couple of meters toward Khufu's sarkophagos they could have awoided that extra work time. But doing it the hard way around; Not once, but twice! - the placing of the holes must have been of great importants to the Egyptain builders.
And why are the lower sections of the shafts 'rounded'?
Could it have been done to stress release the rope, so no sharp edges could cut the rope? (explained later in this blog.)
Again - a lot of construction time went into this, and must have been of great importants as well.